Apr 25, 2022
We're concluding our April focus on "Leading with Courage" this week with a curated episode on maximizing emotional intelligence. So far we’ve talked about the courage to lead, the courage to have difficult conversations–and this week we’re diving into the “Courage to Get Curious.”
Being curious is a first...
Apr 18, 2022
“Do you have the courage to lead?” Sounds like a simple question, but in a leader’s lifetime, there are many points of uncertainty. As a direct report, there are times when you must step up to fill the leadership gap when unforeseen changes happen and resources are limited. Dave McKeown joins the podcast to speak...
Apr 11, 2022
Are you looking to drive change within your organization? The "messy middle" can derail your plans. TED Speaker and Cross Impact Coaching Founder and CEO, Betsy Kauffman, joins The Leadership Foundry Podcast to explain and shares tips for finding the courage to have those much needed difficult conversations at...
Apr 4, 2022
What motivated people to leave their jobs in droves this past year? Co-Founders Randy Hain and Brandon Smith sit down on The Leadership Foundry Podcast to discuss competing benefits, employee burnout and what leaders need to do to keep rockstar team members.